To the editor:
re: Goodbye Monkey Bars, Hello Imagination Marsh
(BroadsheetDAILY January 17)
The pictures look wonderful. Equally wonderful will be the final completion of the project before those tots go off to college.
But questions:
1. Is there a built in use for winter activities in any of this? Maybe one of those slides could be converted to a toboggan run? Year round community use of our parks should always be our goal. Year round use is good for the public and good for safety.
2. Will this park be part of the Parks program of ‘parks without fences’? Adequately lighted and well used parks should not summarily be closed at dusk.
3. Is there built in financial support for continuing maintenance? It is one thing to build a vision and quite another to have funding support through many years to keep that grand, idyllic picture sustainable.
A note to the City Council: Parks should have a dedicated revenue stream for maintenance purposes and should not have to live hand-to-mouth on annual council member handouts!
Mr. Henry Parsons