A series of works by the renowned hyper-realist sculptor, Carole Feuerman, is now on display at a new event space located in the lobby of 55 Broadway (at the corner of Exchange Alley).
The show, called “Perception,” features a series of life-sized (and disconcertingly lifelike) female figures, clad in bathing suits and positioned in swimming poses. “For me,” Ms. Feuerman reflects, “swimmers represent peace, serenity, and survival.”
Hyper-Realist Sculpture is a movement that Ms. Feuerman helped to found in the 1970s, in response to the Photo-Realist School of painting. Ms. Feuerman’s creations seem to have arrived directly from the so-called “uncanny valley,” a zone of perception identified by psychologists in which representations of the human form are generally considered beautiful, as long as they are clearly inanimate, but begin to evoke feelings of uneasiness and eerie disturbance as the representation becomes so lifelike that it is difficult to distinguish from an actual human being. Think Duane Hansen.
“Perception,” will be on view at 55 Broadway now through March 24, each weekday from noon through 6:00 pm. Admission is free.