“We had a great time as always as the official FINISH LINE crowd control team. And while soccer moms sometimes give us a hard time staying put until the runners pass, it’s people on bikes who were difficult, especially when we asked them to walk their bikes while crossing Warren Street. In order to make sure bikers were not peddling into the runners, we made them walk the bike starting at Chambers to Warren. It’s only a block, but a small few got miffed. All in all, however, people were gracious.”

“The past few years we’ve had CERT members from Brooklyn and Bronx teams, who worked from 8am until 12 noon and it was HOT!
They helped us along with cheer leaders also lining the route. It’s a highly festive atmosphere considering the enormous sacrifice Stephen Siller made and for whom this race is run. See you next September!”
Jean B. Grillo
Team Chief, Tribeca CERT
Community Board One, Tribeca Committee