1634 – Following pressure from Anglican bishop John Atherton, the Irish House of Commons passes “An Act for the Punishment for the Vice of Buggery”.
1640 – Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, impeached by the House of Lords on the evidence of John Pym, and imprisoned in the Tower of London; he was later executed.
1647 – Massachusetts passes first US compulsory school attendance law
1675 – Gottfried Leibniz demonstrated integral calculus for the first time to find the area under the graph of y = f(x) function.
1714 – A highway in Bronx is laid out, later renamed East 233rd Street
1778 – Iroquois Indians in NY kill 40 in Cherry Valley Massacre
1790 – Chrysanthemums are introduced to England from China
1839 – The Virginia Military Institute is founded in Lexington, Virginia.

1865 – Mary Edward Walker, was an American feminist, abolitionist, prohibitionist, alleged spy, prisoner of war and surgeon. As of 2016, she is the only woman ever to receive the Medal of Honor.
1890 – D McCree patents portable fire escape
1909 – Construction of US navy base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, begins
1918 – Armistice signed by the Allies and Germany comes into effect, WW I hostilities end at 11.11 am
1921 – President Harding dedicates Tomb of Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery
1923 – Eternal flame lit for tomb of unknown solder, Arc de Triumph
1925 – Robert A. Millikan announces discovery of cosmic rays
1926 – U.S. Route 66 is established
1930 – Patent number US1781541 was awarded to Albert Einstein and Leó Szilárd for their invention, the Einstein refrigerator.
1933 – “Great Black Blizzard” first great dust storm in Great Plains
1935 – Explorer 2 balloon sets altitude record of 72,000 feet
1940 – Blizzard strikes midwestern US killing over 100
1942 – During WW II Germany completes their occupation of France
1961 – Stalingrad renamed Volgograd
1963 – Brian Epstein & Ed Sullivan sign a 3 show contract for Beatles
1966 – Gemini 12 (Lovell & Aldrin) launched on 4-day flight
1968 – John Lennon & Yoko Ono appear nude on cover of “2 Virgins” album
1972 – Dow Jones Index moves above 1,000 for first time
1987 – Van Gogh’s “Irises” sells for record $53.6 M at auction
1988 – Oldest known insect fossils (390 million yrs) reported in Science
1990 – “Shadowlands” opens at Brooks Atkinson Theater NYC for 169 perfs
1994 – Bill Gates buys Leonardo da Vinci’s “Codex” for $30,800,000
2004 – Yasser Arafat is confirmed dead by the Palestine Liberation Organization, of unidentified causes. Mahmoud Abbas is elected chairman of the PLO minutes later.