On Tuesday, March 6, Church Street School for Music and Art will be holding their annual Fundraising soiree known as The Event at the Tribeca Rooftop beginning at 6:30pm.
Now in its 28th year, Church Street School for Music and Art recently moved to their new space at 41 White Street getting a literal new lease on life.
They will be honoring Dwight Yellen, counsel to Kriss & Feuerstein LLP, founder of Chidatma Lex Group and CSS board member for nearly 20 years. Serving as the organization’s legal counsel he helped tremendously in negotiating the move to their new home.
Also being honored Peter Braus, Managing Principal of Lee & Associates NYC. He has been critical in enabling Church Street School to stay in the neighborhood it’s called home for so long.
Come enjoy an evening of cocktails, silent and live auction, dinner and music and of course, dancing.
Tickets are available by calling the school at 212-571-7290 or going online at churchstreetschool.org/theevent2018.
If you’d like to check out their silent auction, head to http://bit.ly/CSS_EventAuction_2018
Dr. Lisa Ecklund Flores remarked, while preparing for the event, “Our move to 41 White Street makes this Event the most important one to date. We are so grateful to everyone who has been a part of CSS over the years and helped to bring us into our new home. The Event will be a celebration of Church Street School’s future, made possible by this move to a more affordable home and it offers a huge opportunity to put our beloved Church Street School on the road to future success. It is always an incredibly fun night with friends new and old and we are excited ring in a new chapter for the school!”