Lower Manhattan’s Local News
The Broadsheet Inc. | 212-912-1106 | editor@ebroadsheet.com | ebroadsheet.com
Remembrance of Things Aghast
Residents and Local Leaders Recall 18 Septembers Ago
Today’s anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 was the subject of shared recollection and reflection on Sunday evening, when a panel of residents and local leaders participated in a panel discussion at the South Street Seaport, hosted by the Howard Hughes Corporation and moderated by CNBC’s Contessa Brewer, who lives in Lower Manhattan. “I’m a proud Seaport resident,” Ms. Brewer began, “and I have seen resilience in action after Hurricane Sandy. But I remember coming here a month after September 11 — from Milwaukee, where I lived at the time. I remember the smell, and every surface being plastered with 8 x 10 sheets, that had the word ‘missing,’ and a picture of someone who was unaccounted for. I remember a construction worker in a hard hat signing a wall with the words, ‘we will never forget.'” “For anyone who was alive during September 11,” she continued, “that is a day of special importance. But for people down here, people who were so close, it takes on a whole new color and spectrum.”
She then turned to veteran community leader Paul Hovitz, who recalled, “‘war zone’ is an accurate description of what the neighborhood was like. The windows in our apartment, in Southbridge Towers, were shut when the towers fell. But there was still more than an inch of dust inside. There was no water or electricity. And for weeks, that acrid smell was everywhere. And you knew it was burning flesh that we were breathing. Many families on the West Side of Lower Manhattan were evacuated, but in the Seaport neighborhood, we were not.” When Ms. Brewer prompted Bob Townley, founder and executive director of Manhattan Youth to recall the morning of September 11, he remembered, “standing in front of P.S. 234 when the first plane flew over our heads and into the North Tower,” but then said, “my experience wasn’t very different from that of many other people who were here.” Next, Ms. Brewer invited Helaina Hovitz Regal (author “After 9/11: One Girl’s Journey through Darkness to a New Beginning”), who was a 12-year-old middle-school student on that morning to share her memories. “It was this minute-by-minute experience of asking ‘what’s happening,'” she recalled. “At 12, if you’re lucky, you have grown up with the assumption that the world is a safe place, that the people in charge can keep you safe, and that everything is under control.”
“Normally, it was a ten-minute walk from I.S. 289 to our apartment in Southbridge,” she reflected. “And after the police bomb squad came into our school and said everybody had to get out in five minutes, most of the students were evacuated up the West Side Highway. But I was picked up by the mother of a friend who had come to get her daughter. And as we tried to get home, we saw people covered in blood. And then we were covered in dust. I just kept holding onto her hand, crying, sometimes running and sometimes walking.” “I was a scared-of-the-child dark child to begin with,” Ms. Regal added, “and all I could think about was to stay with the adult, who knows what to do. I thought we would either make it home together or else die together. There was panic everywhere, but we got through it on adrenalin.” Ms. Brewer then asked Steve Vince, a Southbridge resident and nurse at New York-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital to share his perspective. “At the hospital, just two weeks before, we had an emergency drill,” he began. “But nothing could prepare you for something like this. I was off duty that day, teaching a class of intensive-care nurses on 17th floor of our staff residence at 69 Gold Street, where the windows face east,” away from the World Trade Center. “We all heard a loud noise, and then a lot of car alarms went off. So I went up to a rooftop terrace, and started looking down into street. There was a clear view of the World Trade Center from there, but it didn’t occur to me to look up. And I saw the fire company on Beekman Street jumping into trucks. I called down to the Emergency Room, but they said nothing was happening.” “A few minutes later, the emergency room called back and said, ‘this is not a drill: a plane hit the World Trade Center,’ and told me to send everybody to the hospital. As I was headed there, I ran into a resident who said, ‘come out and look at this.’ So we went back onto the terrace, and he told me to look up. There was black smoke pouring out of North Tower, with fire visible, and pieces of paper coming out of building. So I went back inside and took the stairs down, expecting power to be cut at any moment.”
Ms. Brewer then invited Robert Simko (the Broadsheet’s editor and founder) to pick up the narrative. “We live in Gateway Plaza, across the street from Trade Center,” Mr. Simko began. “My wife, Alison, and I had just got our children ready for school. Our daughter was in seventh grade and son was going to his third day of pre-K. Alison left to take them to school.” “Around 8:40,” Mr. Simko continued, “I heard a huge crunching sound, followed by an explosion, and knew something was up. I looked out our window, which faced south, and saw the first traces of smoke, which I knew were coming from above me, rather than from the street below. A few minutes later, the television said that a plane had hit one of the towers.” “Then Alison called and said that just after she had dropped our son at school on Greenwich Street, a plane had flown over her head and hit the World Trade Center,” he continued. “So she ran against the tide of people fleeing, to get to Lucy’s school. While she was there, she met a friend who lived in Tribeca and invited Alison to go there, because there was no way to get home.” “She urged me to get out,” he remembered, “but I felt like I had to stay, as editor of the local paper. So I went downstairs and saw the North Tower burning. There were worried looks on everybody’s faces, and some people were looking at the building, trying to count floors below the fire, because they had friends or family members in the building. And everybody on the street was watching helplessly.”
“Then, I heard the whine of jet engines,” he related. “My view was partly obstructed by the World Financial Center, but I could see the last two seconds as the plane hit the South Tower. It looked surreal, like special effects: the plane dipping its wing and then piercing the tower and just being absorbed. Then there was a fireball, and everybody screamed and scattered. I ran back upstairs, and knew that if I came back outside I would be corralled onto a boat and sent to New Jersey, and separated from my family.” “A few minutes later, the power and water were cut,” he noted, “and the auxiliary lights in the hallways went on, but they started to dim. Not long after that, the first tower began to collapse. The sound of rumbling at first made me think it was a third plane coming in. So I looked out the window and saw the dust cloud pouring through the streets. Then the windows went black. But a few minutes later, light began to reappear. “It looked like a hazy, foggy day,” he observed, “but the haze was from floating debris. As the smoke cleared, I went to a friend’s apartment in our building, which faced the Trade Center. Through the smoke, I saw a single shard of the South Tower spiking upward, and nothing else left of the building. Mr. Townley then recalled that the Speaker of the State Assembly, Sheldon Silver, “called me on my cellular phone, which was still working, and he said, ‘we’re wearing green today,'” in a reference to the color of the camouflage uniforms that troops wear when marching into combat. “And I knew after he said those words that our country was going to war, because nobody attacks America and gets away with it. Then he asked me to do a few things, like start organizing the first meeting of displaced residents, which we held at a playground on Canal Street a few days later.” “I had the same feeling,” Mr. Simko added. “I remembered that a few days earlier, Vice President Dick Cheney was on television, debating the merits of the Star Wars missile defense system. And I thought, ‘if they’re coming in with planes, this is a whole new world.'” Mr. Hovitz recalled that, “September 11 was supposed to be primary day, and Southbridge was a polling place, which meant that many of our elected officials were there. New York-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital, which is across the street from our building, had an emergency generator, which they used to provide power for part of Southbridge.” “The hospital was geared up to deal with victims and survivors,” Mr. Hovitz remembered wistfully, “but there weren’t any.”
Within 24 hours of the attacks, he noted, “it was clear that local pharmacies would be closed for a while. So we organized volunteers to check in on elderly residents, many of them shut-ins. We collected prescription bottles and the hospital filled those prescriptions. We came together in a way that I haven’t seen New Yorkers do in a long time. Everywhere you looked, people were helping each other.” Mr. Vince said, “my wife and I stayed, and around two or three in afternoon, the whole neighborhood became eerily quiet.” Ms. Brewer asked, “what were challenges in the weeks that followed?” “We were out of our apartment for two months,” Mr. Simko recalled, adding that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), “was pretty good. You’d get a phone call and meet a guy in front of Post Office at 33rd Street and Eighth Avenue, show him your identification, and he would give you a card with $500 to buy food and get your laundry done.” “We always had to show identification at checkpoints,” he added, “and all the local stores were closed, and there were chain-link fences around many perimeters. The streets were crowded with large trucks carrying generators, to provide power to the buildings. And telephone lines were being strung across the streets.”
Ms. Regal remembered that, “the first few days were about fire: smoke and trucks and uniforms. A few days later, there were National Guard troops with rifles and dogs and there were always helicopters in the air. And we kept getting warnings that more buildings might collapse, and other warnings that we would be evacuated at any moment.” “It was weeks of chaos and no school,” she continued, “and I was starting to experience what I know now are the early signs of post-traumatic stress disorder: nightmares and panic attacks.” “Our school was eventually relocated,” she said, “but there was very big difference between Lower Manhattan and the rest of the City. In the new building, we had kids telling us to get out of their school, and shoving us in the hallways. One day, a truck backfired in the street outside, and all the children from I.S. 289 hit the floor screaming, while the other kids laughed.” “Trauma manifests differently in everybody,” Ms. Regal reflected. “It changes you. And the fact that kids are resilient doesn’t mean that you are not permanently changed. Former classmates now tell me they’ve been living with this for years.” Ms. Brewer noted that, “when I moved here in 2005, the City was offering tax abatements to encourage people to move in, and I didn’t understand why,” because the neighborhood had become so appealing. “Did you question whether you should continue to live here?” Mr. Hovitz replied, “even on September 12, when we were told to pack a bag because they thought the Millenium Hotel would topple over, even that day, it never crossed my mind to leave this neighborhood. We had a mission to take our homes back and show that they couldn’t make us back down.”
Mr. Townley reflected that, “the Downtown Community Center, which we built with Paul’s help, was planned before September 11, and then delayed eight years. I’m project-focused, so those eight years went by pretty quickly. I wasn’t going to be able to not do that. I’m a community organizer, that’s what I do. So I didn’t move out of Battery Park City. I wasn’t going to let anyone push me out of my home. I didn’t want to leave my friends, and I didn’t want my kids to be separated from their friends.” He added that, “I had some friends who left the neighborhood because of September 11, never to return. I wasn’t happy with them, although I understood why they did it. They knew it was going to be years of recovery. It took six months just to put the fires out. So they chose never to return.” “But I was not upset about the nature of the neighborhood after September 11, even with the fires burning, and a barge [used to haul away large debris] moored right outside my window. It didn’t bother me as much. What would have bothered me was having somebody kick me out of my apartment, and leaving my friends, and abandoning my projects.” Ms. Brewer then asked Ms. Regal, “did you want to leave?” “Yes, but it wasn’t up to me,” she answered, evoking a round of knowing laughter. “It was up to them,” she said, gesturing toward Mr. Hovitz and her mother. “But what I learned is that wherever you go, the damage is already done. No matter where we went, I was going to experience the symptoms, and relive the trauma. “When you are a child, you are not in control of very much, anyway,” she said. “What was so impactful was the idea that nobody can protect you: not your parents, not the U.S. Army. It seemed like the world was ending, especially in the weeks and months that followed, with scares about anthrax and suspicious packages. Ten years later, I interviewed former classmates for the book I wrote, and so many of them had the feeling that nowhere was safe.”
Mr. Vince chimed in that, “my wife and I never discussed moving. It just never came up. We had a real sense of community here, and so many friends.” Ms. Brewer noted that, “I travel all over the country to places hit by disasters, and not all of them bounce back,” and then asked what allowed Lower Manhattan not merely to survive, but to prosper. “So many buildings emptied out as businesses left,” Mr. Vince noted, “but many of those were converted to apartments.” Mr Hovitz observed, “we have best schools in the City. People move here to go to our schools. The services are what this place so wonderful.” Mr. Townley agreed, saying that, “the amenities we have now make me glad I never left.” Mr. Simko observed that, “Lower Manhattan is a unique place, with a rich history. The people who live and work here work really hard. And our elected officials stepped up to the plate. So Alison and I never had any doubts about staying. There was never any question that we would rebuild and get on with life.” Ms. Brewer queried, “what can we, as neighbors do, to be more resilient and be more prepared for whatever comes our way — to harden our infrastructure and prepare our kids and organize with neighbors?” Mr. Simko replied, “we already have that in place. Our Community Board, with all its committees — focused on the waterfront, and parks, and schools — is vital. People like Tricia Joyce [who chairs Community Board 1’s Youth & Education Committee] telling the Department of Education that a 70-story building will bring hundreds of families here, so we they need to build another school. Other communities don’t have that. We’re lucky to have community leaders working with elected officials to keep Lower Manhattan vibrant.”
Looking toward future challenges, Mr. Hovitz predicted, “we could be underwater again at any time. The greatest progress we have seen has been by entities like the Battery Park City Authority. But we still have only two subway stations in Lower Manhattan that the City has created covers for. So we need the City and State to step up more, and decide what we’re going to do. And the proposal for Seaport City to take over a third of the East River is not the answer. The key is that we need to be prepared.” Ms. Brewer then asked Ms. Regal, “what have you learned?” She answered, “the biggest thing I learned is that recovery is about coming to terms with what you experience and what happened to you, which you cannot change — accepting all of it in its entirety, with its awfulness and sadness and how scary it was, and seeing yourself as a survivor.” “The word ‘victim’ is tricky,” she reflected. “When something out of your control hurts you, that is what being a victim is about. But as a survivor, how do you transition from being a victim? Teenagers will act out to self-soothe and escape, doing reckless things like drinking and drugs. Some of my classmates took to riding motorcycles at high speed in the rain. All of these behaviors are ways of setting themselves up to be re-traumatized.” “It took me a lot of years of therapy to find a way to go forward. The question is, ‘how can I live in the moment and make the best of it in a world where bad things happen all the time?’ It takes work. The crazy idea is that getting help is weakness or has a stigma attached to it. Things like this are going to happen, but there are skills and tools to help you feel okay.” When Ms. Brewer asked Mr. Vince to recall his observations of trauma, he remembered that, “in the emergency room, one patient asked how he got there. All he remembered looking out his window and seeing a plane, then somebody grabbing him, and later waking up in the hospital.”
“I met a firefighter from Ladder 118,” he added. “I knew that unit, because my family lives near their fire house, in Brooklyn. He had no equipment and only part of his uniform. I asked him what had happened, and he said with a blank gaze, ‘they’re all gone.'” (All six firefighters aboard the Ladder 118 truck were killed after racing across the Brooklyn Bridge, and attempting to rescue people from the Marriott World Trade Center Hotel, which was located between the Twin Towers.) “I walked him around corner to Beekman Street firehouse.” Ms. Brewer returned to memories of Hurricane Sandy, asking Mr. Townley, “did you see an improvement in response by the time of Sandy?” He replied, “the answer to a lot of our problems is to be kinder and more empathetic. That is what gets you through the night. But I found Sandy to be more difficult. I had built this community center and it was destroyed. This community had been the September 11 poster child, but we were not the Sandy poster child. We were alone.” “September 11 was about terror, and man’s inhumanity to man,” he continued. “Sandy was about nature. And those who love nature have never lived it in. So for me, it was totally different.” Mr. Townley, who led a successful, years-long campaign to rebuild and reopen the Downtown Community Center after the 2012 storm, added, “if another Hurricane Sandy comes, they’ll have to find somebody else to rebuild the Community Center again.” “You say that, but you already told us that you’re project-oriented,” Ms. Brewer chided him. “I am project-oriented, but I’m also going to be 65 years old,” he said, eliciting a round of appreciative chuckles. Ms. Brewer closed the discussion by saying, “I am proud to be your neighbors. And I hope that next time we have to survive something big, because we will, we can do it linked arm in arm, and supporting each other.”
Matthew Fenton
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9/11 Event Notices
Today the 9/11 Memorial & Museum will lead the world in commemorating the 18th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
The 9/11 Memorial & Museum will host the annual commemoration ceremony to honor the 2,983 men, women and children killed in the attacks at the World Trade Center site, the Pentagon, aboard Flight 93 and in the 1993 WTC bombing.
The Museum will be closed to the public on the 18th anniversary.
On Wednesday evening, the public is invited to view the Tribute in Light from the 9/11 Memorial.
From the NYPD:
On Wednesday September 11th
Liberty Street CLOSED
(in between South end Avenue and West Street)
Barclay Street CLOSED, between Church Street and West Broadway
Park Place and West Broadway
Greenwich Street between Murray Street and West Street
Will be able to move freely north and south on the west side of West Street
Pedestrians will only be able to use the south side of Liberty Street in between Church and West Streets (The north side of Liberty is CLOSED)
Pedestrians needing access to 3 or 4 WTC will access it from Church Street and Cortland Way.
Pedestrians will be able to enter the Oculus Plaza from Church Street only.
[Essentially,] the entire memorial is frozen but its outer areas will be open. The closures around the site will remain in effect until 3PM.
Pace University Remembers
47 Students and Alumni Lost
On Wednesday, September 11, Pace University will host a 9/11 tribute and walk to commemorate lives lost on September 11, 2001.
The event will feature speakers who were part of the response efforts and staff members who were working at Pace on the day of the attacks. Speakers will include Marvin Krislov, President, Pace University; Marijo O’Grady, Associate Vice President, Dean for Students; Peter Riley, Director of Veteran Services, Pace University; and Pace University student veterans.
After the remarks, participants will walk to the 9/11 Memorial at Pace University that honors the members of the Pace community who lost their lives on that day.
The 6PM event will take place at Pace University Student Center located at One Pace Plaza (across from City Hall).
Tenets for Tenants
Elected Officials Urge Prompt Renewal and Expansion of Gateway Affordability Protections
A coalition of five elected officials representing Lower Manhattan is urging the Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) and the landlord at Gateway Plaza to strike a deal preserving affordability at the community’s largest resident complex. In a July letter addressed both to BPCA president Benjamin Jones and Richard LeFrak, the chairman and chief executive officer of the LeFrak Organization (which acts as Gateway Plaza’s landlord), U.S. Congressman Jerry Nadler, State Senator Brian Kavanagh, State Assembly member Yuh-Line Niou, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, and City Council member Margaret Chin, “urge a prompt conclusion to the negotiations, and that you finalize a deal that renews and strengthens the existing agreement.” |
Noise Pollution
To the editor:
Instead of lionizing a misguided representative of Gen Z searching for meaning by combatting “climate change,” perhaps you could cover the very real pollution increasingly prominent in our own community: noise pollution.
I have previously noted opposition to/coverage of the “billboard boats” making their way up and down the Hudson, but what of that seasonal scourge that afflicts all of us: party boats? Why are these vessels (uniformly from outside of our community) able to exploit jurisdictional loopholes in order to operate at a decibel level that would not be permitted on land? While an affront at any time of day, most of these boats operate late into the evening.
More on local quality of life issues please, and less on trendy global or national issues du jour.
Richard Shinder
Today’s Calendar
September 11
Elements of Nature Drawing
Wagner Park Get inspired by the beautiful expanse of the Hudson River and theHarbor. Embolden your artwork amidst the flower-filled and seasonally evolving palette of Wagner Park’s verdant gardens. An artist/educator will provide ideas and instruction. Materials provided. Wagner Park. 2:30PM
Figure Al Fresco
South Cove 7PM
Book Launch for Gregory Orr’s The Blessing, with David Grubin
Poets House W.O. Decker Trip + Museum Admission
South Street Seaport Museum Ages 10 and up (no more than three children under the age of 14 per adult) When booking this trip, please be aware that you are embarking on a working tugboat. Tugboat journeys can be bumpy and the only seating area is inside. There is a secure safety line around the perimeter of the boat, but it is not a hand grasp. You may get wet. Flat, closed-toe shoes with a back or back-strap are required. Check web site for times. $19-$35 Pier 16 (box office at 12 Fulton Street). |
Freedom of Impression
The Battery Park City Authority is offering two, separate series of free, outdoor art classes every Wednesday: Elements of Nature Drawing will be held in Wagner Park, starting at 11:00 am, and will draw inspiration from the expanses of Hudson River and New York Harbor, as well as the flower-filled and seasonally evolving palette of the park’s verdant gardens.
And at 2:30 pm, the Figure Al Fresco class will stretch the artistic skills of students by sketching live models. Both classes (which are meant for adults) continue each Wednesday through October 30, and each will be led by professional arts educators.
Participation is free of charge (with no advance registration required), and all materials will be provided. For more information, please browse: bpcparks.org. |
Happy Tricentennial
The Fraunces Tavern Museum and Restaurant will observe its 300th Anniversary on Tuesday, October 1, starting at 7:00 pm, with a gala soirée featuring hors d’oeuvres, drinks, a champagne toast, live 18th-century music on genuine colonial instruments, and (of course) a birthday cake.
The event will commemorate 1719 construction of the building at 54 Pearl Street, which was transformed into a tavern by Samuel Fraunces in 1762 — just in time to become a popular gathering place for George Washington and other leaders of the American Revolution.
Fraunces Tavern Museum director Jacqueline Masseo calls the occasion, “a great way to share this historic moment,” and “a birthday party to celebrate the building’s constant presence in the Lower Manhattan community with those who have supported the building and its history, such as school children, locals, tourists, and foodies.”
Tickets are priced at $175. To register, or for more information, please browse: www.frauncestavernmuseum.org. |
Pup, Pup in the Air
Schumer Blasts ‘Doors-Off’ Chopper Flights That Now Carry Dogs
Senator Chuck Schumer announced yesterday that a New Jersey-based helicopter tour operator — still being investigated for a March, 2018 crash in the East River that killed five people — is continuing to operate “doors-off” flights over Manhattan that cater to thrill seekers, under the legal pretext of running a commercial photography service.
He also revealed that the same company, FlyNYON, is now offering the option to bring dogs aboard such flights.
“It is outrageous that despite the deaths of five innocent people in a dangerous doors-off chopper flight,… and he added , “strapping in dogs for dangerous doors-off flights over New York is just totally repugnant; another disaster-in-waiting.” To read more…
Matthew Fenton
For Creative Kids
Parents and kids are invited to attend the annual Open House event at the Church Street School for Music and Art (41 White Street, between Church Street and Broadway) on Saturday, September 14, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Events will include singing, dancing, fine art classes, as well as mini-lessons in piano, voice, guitar, bass, drums, and woodwinds. Admission, along with all performances and lessons, is free. Parents of children wishing to try a sample lesson are asked to R.S.V.P., however.
To register, or request more information, please call 212-571-7290 or email: info@churchstreetschool.org.
Swaps & Trades Respectable Employment
Lost and Found 212-912-1106
Personal Assistant
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Savvy social media skills a must. Downtown location.
Please send resume and fee schedule to: Email: poetpatsy@gmail.com
Available starting September for PT/FT.
Wonderful person, who is a great worker. Reference Available
Working in BPC. Call Tenzin 347 803 9523
Available for PT/FT elder care. Experienced. ReferencesAngella 347-423-5169
Ditch The Diets & Lose Weight For Good.
Call Janine to find out how with hypnosis.
Situation Wanted:
Experienced Elder Care (12 years)
Able to prepare nutritious meals and light housekeeping
Excellent references 347 898 5804 Call Hope
$2 per notarized signature
Text Paula at 917-836-8802
Dishes, windows, floors, laundry, bathrooms.
You name it – I will clean it. Call Elle at 929-600-4520
Experienced IT technician. Expertise in 1-on-1 tutoring for all ages.Computer upgrading & troubleshooting.
Knowledgeable in all software programs. James Kierstead james.f.kierstead@gmail.com 347-933-1362. Refs available
Experienced with BPC residents. Available nights, days, and weekends. Will cook, clean and administer medicine on time. Speaks French and English. Can start immediately.
Please call or text 929-600-4520.
Mechanical pocket and wristwatches sought and
sometimes repaired 212-912-1106
If you would like to place a listing, please contact editor@ebroadsheet.com
Annual Fall Yard Sale at Southbridge Towers
The Annual Fall Yard Sale at Southbridge Towers
will take place on
Thursday-to-Saturday, September 19, 20 and 21
from 10AM-6PM.
Great bargains on interesting bric-a-brak, one-of-a-kind finds and lots of jewelry.
Enter via Fulton St.-next to Key-Food or on Pearl/Beekman Sts.
Contact: Ms. Jill Zilker, G.M. – Southbridge Towers 212-267-6190
September Storm Passing Over Staten Island
Soccer Practice at the Battery Park City Ballfields
Where Figs Ply
A Fig Aficionado’s Fest
Fig Fest, an annual gathering of local fig growers and aficionados, will take place at the National Lighthouse Museum (200 The Promenade at Lighthouse Point, Staten Island), steps away from the Staten Island Ferry Terminal at St. George on Sunday, September 15, starting at 4:00 pm.
A $5 donation is requested. For more information, please email
info@lighthousemuseum.org, or call: 718-390-0040. |
Cass Gilbert and the Evolution of the New York Skyscraper
by John Simko
Cruise Ships in the Harbor
Arrivals & Departures
Thursday, September 12
Anthem of the Seas
Inbound 6:30 am (Bayonne); outbound 4:00 pm;
New England/Canadian Maritimes
Carnival Sunrise
Inbound 6:15 am; outbound 4:30 pm; Bermuda
Star Pride
Inbound 7:15 am; outbound 5:30 pm; New England/Canadian Maritimes/Quebec City/Montreal
Friday, September 13
Inbound 7:15 am; in port overnight
Sunday, September 15
Outbound 1:30 pm; Bermuda/Bahamas/Florida/Norfolk, VA/Baltimore, MD
Norwegian Escape
Inbound 6:15 am; outbound 4:30 pm; Maine/Canadian Maritimes
Queen Mary 2
Inbound 6:00 am (Brooklyn); outbound 5:00 pm; Transatlantic (Southampton, UK/Hamburg, Germany)
Many ships pass Lower Manhattan on their way to and from the Midtown Passenger Ship Terminal. Others may be seen on their way to or from piers in Brooklyn and Bayonne. Stated times, when appropriate, are for passing the Colgate clock in Jersey City, New Jersey, and are based on sighting histories, published schedules and intuition. They are also subject to tides, fog, winds, freak waves, hurricanes and the whims of upper management.
The Broadsheet Inc. | 212-912-1106 | editor@ebroadsheet.com| ebroadsheet.com
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