To the editor:
In regard to Mr. Goodkind’s letter in the April 28 BroadsheetDAILY that suggests BPC should become part of New York City:With corruption appearing to ooze out in many directions from the Mayor’s office, why would anyone want to place Battery Park City under the city’s control?
A far better solution would be to increase local representation on the BPCA board; given all the neighborhood concern, it seems probable that this will eventually happen.
Ironically, Mr. Goodkind’s letter appears directly below the Broadsheet article which discusses downtown construction and includes this quote, “Seven weeks ago, four elected officials representing Lower Manhattan wrote to City Hall for…oversight of construction in Lower Manhattan. They have yet to receive the courtesy of a reply”.
Why in the world would we want to subject our community to the unresponsiveness or worseof City Hall?
RE: Opinion & Analysis: To Win HQ2, Lower Manhattan Must Become a New Amazon Basin (BroadsheetDAILY January 24) To the editor: Will someone please interview Mr. Urstadt and find out what he thinks will happen to all the residents when “(a)t the end of this lease, ownership of both the land and the buildings that...
To the editor: Once again, it has become critically, crucially clear that the NYC Economic Development Corporation (EDC) in its collaboration with The Howard Hughes Corp about the future of the Historical Tin Building historical and other actions, past, present and future plans is the WRONG city agency to oversee the current and future existence...
To the editor: Your article “The ‘Mallifcation’ of Lower Manhattan,” and comments by some members of CB1, suggest that the opportunity to turn Thames Street between Trinity and Broadway into a pedestrianized zone, with increased retail opportunities along the block, somehow amounts to “privatization of public space” and “mallification.” Let me suggest an alternative view....
Thames Street proposal
"Mallification" or Woonerf?
To the editor: Your article on the CPC vote (BroadsheetDAILY December 19)for the landowners handout of open spaces gave me deja vu and revulsion. How often does the Seaport District have to be screwed by the developers, our electeds and now by our own Community Board before we rise up in protest? Whatever happened to...
The plaza and arcades at 200 Water Street as they appear today, with the scaffolding that once held the canopies stripped bare, the erstwhile fountain (visible at lower right, behind black railing) long since turned off and filled with concrete, and much of the onetime lobby (at lower left) converted into a Duane Reade. Under a proposal approved by the City Planning Commission, the open colonnade shown in the foreground will be absorbed into new retail space, while several hundred square feet of the outdoor plaza will be turned over to seating for an outdoor cafe, and the three open-air rectangular spaces (center, on the second level above the street) will become new, market-rate apartments.
To the editor: Here’s a cheaper way to get from Lower Manhattan to Newark Airport using mass transit. * Take the PATH from WTC to Newark Penn Station. 15 minutes between PATH trains, 25 minutes travel. * Then take Bus #62 from Newark Penn Station bus depot directly to EWR. 15 minutes between buses, 18...
Seen from Newark Airport, the skyline of Lower Manhattan appears almost close enough to touch. But antiquated transportation infrastructure makes the trip to the skyscrapers on the horizon, in some cases, longer than the flights from which travelers arriving at the airport have just disembarked.
To the editor: Re the recent article “Endangered Sanctuary-Only House of Worship in Battery Park City Slated to Close in January” (BroadsheetDAILY November 17) In response to the detailed and informative article by Mathew Fenton it seems to me that despite the best efforts and intentions of the Parishioners, other Battery Park City residents, CB1,...