The annual Tunnel to Towers run, which for years has welcomed organized groups from around the United States and as far away as Europe and Asia, will have one more squad of racers this year, albeit from closer to home: residents of Lower Manhattan are being asked to participate as a dedicated group, for the...
The South Street Seaport Museum’s restoration of the historic ship Wavertree just got a boost from City Council member Margaret Chin, who helped allocate an additional $2.25 million for the project in the City’s 2017 budget, and also appropriated a further $500,000 in discretionary funds. Most of this money is earmarked for the educational programs...
If the aphorism about leadership that holds, “decisions are made by those who show up” is true, then Lower Manhattan has a born decision-maker at the helm of Community Board 1 (CB1). Because Anthony Notaro, who was elected chair of that panel on June 28, is somebody who is defined by his habit of stepping...
All of humanity triumphed last week, on July 4, 2016, when Juno, a spacecraft launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida on August 5, 2011, crossed the boundary of planet Jupiter’s formidable magnetic field and slipped into orbit around the great gas planet. The probe traveled 540 million miles at the fastest speed ever achieved by a...
The stretch of the Esplanade between North Cove Marina and Brookfield Place went from velodrome to mellowdrome last weekend, as the Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) instituted a dismount zone for cyclists at what has become a chokepoint, where pedestrians and pedalers have competed for space. The Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) has erected signs...
A quiet insurgency is taking place all across the Lower Manhattan political landscape, as a new generation of activists bids for positions of leadership. Among them is 25-year-old Dodge Landesman, who is running for a seat on the Democratic State Committee, representing the 65th Assembly District, which stretches from the Battery to Vesey Street on...