(Martin here updating this post as we get more information. UTC time = CET-2hrs)
19:39 UTC – Ship Ludolf Oldendolff soon at FoxII/Stein
Ship en route to Steins latest GPS position. ETA estimated around 30min. First they must locate him. Stein has VHF and flares available. Aircraft can assist in locating. NMOC reports that they may not be able to get him aboard ship today due to still extreme weather.
”Just got news that a ship is diverting to me and should be here in 2 hrs – at 17.30 UTC. Been almost as bad as in my worst dreams. Was a bit better just now, but seems to get rougher again. Three of my four oars now broken, one gone completely. Cannot row without oars or rudder. Lots of other breakages after about 10 complete rolls. Some cuts here and there. Been only inside in my tiny cabin, just leaning out occasionally.
Almost a knock- down just now!
I am taking chances here with the iPad, but with the knowledge above and the EPIRB peeping and flashing away in the half- full cockpit, rockets ready and AIS still working, I am prepared to chance it for a penultimate greeting to you all from my little ship. Thsnks for the company! I was on my own, but not lonely for 84 days. I got 3/4 way.
Again sorry! A dream for me for many years – but not for me, now or ever…
What an amazing achievent by my heroes Harbo & Samuelsen in 1896! 55 days!!”
NMOC has confirmed that two planes from UK and Ireland are en route to assist Ludolf Oldendorff in locating FoxII and Stein. ETA is 17:30 UTC.
Great news! Tanker Ludolf Oldendorff (300m bulk carrier) approaching FoxII, 30nm from north. Rendevouz in approx three hours. Rescue planes now on standby in case he cannot be located. Weather still extremely challenging for getting Stein up on ship – may have to lay alongside him for shelter until weather/waves calm tonight. Updates to follow.
12:55 UTC – New message from Stein & update from NMOC
- FoxII rolling around. Upside down for several minutes. Stein injured but not severe. Still has liftraft ready if necessary.
- NMOC still trying to contact ships in the area. No success yet. Organizing plane to send out to locate him and call ships via VHF to send to his position. One of the ships approx 30NM from Stein might have turned towards him they think (seen via satellite), but not certain. New update from them in an hour…
12:00 UTC – New position report from YB-tracker
Thankfully the YB-tracker is still functioning and is together with emergency beacon EPIRP is also sending out a position (via Iridium satellite) each six-hours. Weather conditions are still extremely challenging with winds approx 26-35kts and 7-9m waves – but to calm down tonight. Waiting from updates on rescue situation from NMOC (National Maritime Operations Centre / UK Coast Guard). YB-position can be seen here: https://my.yb.tl/soloatlanticrow2016/map-only/
10:45 UTC – New message from Stein:
”Sorry. This is end of my trip. Lots of damage to rudder, sea anchor gone. Rolled around and knock downs many times. Aktivated EPIRB 2 hrs ago. Not dared to get out iPad before now, but was worried in case thought false EPIRB activation. I deeply regret this, no choice, hope the boat stands it till a ship comes. But I have a story to tell, even filmed rolling around – if I get off this boat with camera and stuff… Only minor personal injuries so far.
Again sorry and thanks again for your support and interest.
Probabely last message from “Fox II”.
10:40 UTC — RECEIVED MESSAGE FROM STEIN via YB-tracker. He is alive and still in FoxII! Reads:
“Activated EPIRP two hours ago”.
10:35 UTC – Status:
- Epirb is acive now since this morning. British Rescue are heading the rescue mission and have received a few additional positions.
- Currently no ships and/or planes are en route to his position. Nearest ship 34NM, but have been unable to make contact. No rescue planes available.
08:00 UTC approx – Emergency signal received.
– Epirb emergency beacon activated. Position received by Norwegian rescue in Bodø.