1450 – Jack Cade’s Rebellion-Kentishmen revolt against King Henry VI 1541 – Hernando de Soto discovers Mississippi River 1784 – Only known deaths by hailstones in US in Winnsborough South Carolina 1792 – US establishes military draft 1847 – Scot Robert Thompson patents rubber tyre 1878 – First unassisted triple play in organized baseball, by...
Edward Muybridge
A phenakistoscope sequence of a couple waltzing
Residents of Lower Manhattan who lease (rather than own) their apartments are collectively paying more than $49 million per year in extra rent as a result of price pressures caused by Airbnb, the online “homesharing” marketplace and hospitality service that brokers short-term lodging in exchange for a percentage of the fee charged to the guest...
This map, from the Airbnb website, shows 18 overnight apartment rentals recently offered in Battery Park City. State and City government officials argue that such offerings are, in almost all cases, illegal.
1006 – Supernova observed by Chinese and Egyptians in constellation Lupus 1704 – Boston Newsletter publishes first newspaper advertisement 1753 – Publication of Species Plantarum by Linnaeus, and the formal start date of plant taxonomy adopted by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. 1756 – France and Austria sign alliance 1757 – Austria and France divide...
311 – Emperor Galerius legally recognizes Christians in the Roman Empire 1492 – Columbus is given royal commission to equip his fleet 1789 – George Washington inaugurated as first president of US 1803 – US doubles in size through Louisiana Purchase ($15 million) 1808 – First practical typewriter finished by Italian Pellegrini Turri 1859 –...
Robo Man. Maybe this is where we all went wrong.
Watch this footage promoting artificial intelligence and smoking. "And he's only 2 years old"
1449 – Anti-pope Felix V resigns 1507 – Geographer Martin Waldseemuller first used name America 1684 – Patent granted for thimble 1792 – Guillotine first used in France, executes highwayman Nicolas J Pelletier 1850 – Paul Julius Reuter, use 40 pigeons to carry stock market prices 1859 – Ground broken for Suez Canal 1861 –...
1184 BC – The Greeks enter Troy using the Trojan Horse 1066 – Halley’s Comet sparks English monk to predict country will be destroyed 1800 – Library of Congress established with $5,000 allocation In 1800, as part of an act of Congress providing for the removal of the new national government from Philadelphia to Washington,...
Designed in the neo-Gothic style by Cass Gilbert it was originally to be a 420 feet tall but eventually built to a height of 792 feet tall. Meant to serve as the headquarters of Woolworth's business empire, it cost 13.5 million to build and was completed in 1912. At the grand opening celebration, President Woodrow Wilson flipped a switch in Washington D.C. to turn on the lights to what was then the tallest building in the world, only to be surpassed in 1930 by the Chrysler Building and 40 Wall Street. There was once an observation deck on the 57th floor that closed in 1941.