After nearly three decades of plans, proposals, and false starts, the West Thames pedestrian bridge broke ground on Tuesday (November 15). At the ceremony, David Emil, president of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC), which is largely funding the project, said, “I have been working on this for 28 years.” This was a reference to...
To the editor: The new bridge would involve going way out of my way to get the the Rector St 1 and R stations vs the existing one which provides much more direct access. I suppose the alternative for me and others is (go somewhat out of my way) to cross at Albany St intersection....
Trinity Church has unveiled plans for the new building that it asked Lower Manhattan residents to help design, in a series of “community conversations” that began in February, 2015. “We began with a public process to understand the hopes and dreams of our community,” explained Trinity’s rector, the Rev. Dr. Bill Lupfer, at the final...
The City government agency that will decide how and when to storm-proof Lower Manhattan will host an Open House meeting in Battery Park City tonight (October 6), starting at 6pm, in the event space at Six River Terrace (opposite the Irish Hunger Memorial and next to Le Pain Quotidien restaurant). “We have the Lower Manhattan...
The pedestrian bridge planned for West Thames Street, currently seven years behind schedule, is now slated to begin construction before the end of this year, but its estimated cost has almost doubled in nine months and nearly tripled since the previous opening date of 2009. The project’s planners hope to save money, however, by demolishing...
The debut of one new venue for eating and drinking, plus two free events will round out this weekend in Lower Manhattan. City Vineyards, the new outpost of City Winery located in the Hudson River Park on Pier 26 (near North Moore Street) fully opens tonight, after a “soft” debut in the middle of the...