47 BC – Julius Caesar visits Tarsus on his way to Pontus, where he meets enthusiastic support, but where, according to Cicero, Cassius is planning to kill him 451 – Battle of Avarayr between Armenian rebels and the Sasanian Empire. The Empire defeats the Armenians militarily but guarantees them freedom to openly practice Christianity. 1293 – An earthquake strikes Kamakura Japan, killing about...
1977 - George Willig climbs the South Tower of New York City's World Trade Center.
Dr. Stein Hoff began his attempt rowing FOXll across the Atlantic more than a week ago, 120 years after George Harbo and Frank Samuelsen. Here’s his facebook link to track his voyage. ——————————————————————————————— Here’s his latest post: Tuesday May 24th “Day 10, Tuesday 24th May and at 10 pm I am finally E of where I started to...
Dr. Stein Hoff began his attempt rowing across the Atlantic last week the Battery in his rowboat named FOX II, 120 years after George Harbo and Frank Samuelsen.
Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the establishment of George Gustav Heye’s extraordinary collection of items as the Museum of the American Indian, a gala fundraiser on May 11th raised nearly $400,000 to support the museum and its educational programs. Located in the historic Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House at Bowling Green, the museum opened a...
Smithsonian Secretary David J. Skorton, Gregory Annenberg Weingarten, vice president and director of The Annenberg Foundation, Nusrat Durrani, former senior vice president at Viacom Media Network, David Sable, global CEO of Y&R, Simon Moya-Smith (Oglala Lakota), journalist, LaDonna Harris (Comanche), founder of Americans for Indian Opportunity, and Kevin Gover (Pawnee), director of NMAI.
To: Council Member Chin cc’d: The Broadsheet Re: Testimony in opposition to the Water Street Upgrades Text Amendment – N 160166 ZRM Dear Council Member Chin, As a Peck Slip School parent, and resident of Downtown Manhattan, I am deeply troubled by the possibility of the 17 open-air plazas and atriums on Water Street being reconfigured in...
City Council member Margaret Chin is concerned that her office telephone number may have been hijacked by a phone bank seeking to mobilize support for a controversial zoning measure currently under consideration. At Tuesday night’s meeting of Community Board 1 (CB1), Paul Leonard, Ms. Chin’s communications director, said, “we got a heads up from a...
Local children play in the public spaces describes by critics as "often underutilized covered walkways" that a recent telephone campaign (which some recipients claim was disguised to appear as if it came from the office of City Council member Margaret Chin) sought to generate support for privatizing and converting into retail space.
567 BC – Servius Tullius, the king of Rome, celebrates a triumph for his victory over the Etruscans. 240 BC – First recorded perihelion passage of Halley’s Comet. 1521 – The Diet of Worms ends when Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, issues the Edict of Worms, declaring Martin Luther an outlaw. 1738 – A treaty between Pennsylvania and Maryland ends the Conojocular War...
Oscar Wilde "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go."