Being a writer is tough and being a parent and a writer is twice as tough. Tenacity, as well as perfecting the balancing act that comes into play while raising kids and finding the time and place to write, is a challenge many writers face. Milda M. DeVoe, a mother of two children, started Lower...
Pen Parentis Founder M. M. De Voe presents the 2016-2017 Writing Fellowship for New Parents to Elizabeth Pagel-Hogan of Pittsburgh, PA (far right). Certificate and $1000 check presented by 2015-2016 Fellow Orli Van Mourik of Brooklyn who announced at the Salon she had just landed a literary agent!
What: Workshop- This meeting will focus on the waterfront from Montgomery Street to the Brooklyn Bridge When: Wednesday October 5, 2016 6:30-8:30 PM doors open at 6PM Where: YMCA/ Two Bridges Community Center 286 South Street Why: New York City is continuing to advance waterfront improvements to protect against coastal flooding and we need your...
What: Workshop- This meeting will focus on the waterfront from Montgomery Street to the Brooklyn Bridge When: Wednesday October 5, 2016 6:30-8:30 PM doors open at 6PM Where: YMCA/ Two Bridges Community Center 286 South Street Why: New York City is continuing to advance waterfront improvements to protect against coastal flooding and we need your...
Pier 40, a recreational facility that youth athletic leagues serving Lower Manhattan depend upon is slowing falling into the Hudson River, but nobody knows exactly how much it will cost to repair. And that unanswered question makes it impossible to know whether a proposed air-rights deal that will allow real estate developers to build a...
Pier 40, which serves as a vital recreational facility for local youth sports leagues, is in danger of falling into the Hudson River - but could be bailed out by a plan to redevelop the St. John's Terminal building (visible behind the pier).
Venus, brightest of all planets, shines in evening’s pastel twilight and sets by nightfall. A young crescent moon accompanies the goddess of love and beauty tonight, October 3; delight in the pair from about 7pm until 7:30pm, depending on your view to the west-southwest horizon. Saturn and Mars catch the eye to the left of...
Watch the waxing Moon step eastward against the stars-and-planets background from evening to evening. (These scenes are drawn exact for the middle of North America. For clarity, the Moon is drawn three times its actual apparent size. The visibility of faint stars through bright twilight is exaggerated.)
Sky & Telescope diagram published with permission
52 BC – Vercingetorix, leader of the Gauls, surrenders to the Romans under Julius Caesar, ending the siege and Battle of Alesia. 1283 – Dafydd ap Gruffydd, was Prince of Wales from December 11 1282 until his execution on October 3 1283 by King Edward I of England. He was the last independent ruler of Wales. On 30 September, Dafydd ap Gruffudd,...
Edgar Allan Poe
"Man is an animal that diddles, and there is no animal that diddles but man"