Tricia Joyce had good news to share at the October 25 meeting of Community Board 1 (CB1), where she chairs the Youth and Education Committee. “The new school on Trinity Place will have a full-sized gym and a separate assembly space with room for as many as 140 people.” This is the culmination of a...
CB1 Youth & Education chair Tricia Joyce: "I just felt so passionate about this one. We did a survey of our Downtown schools and how their gyms and auditoriums were scheduled, and learned that gyms are in use every hour of every school day, and all day long on weekends. So it became clear that if DOE moved ahead with their original plan, a significant amount of programming would be lost."
1512 – The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, painted by Michelangelo, is exhibited to the public for the first time.The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the Apostolic Palace, the official residence of the Pope, in Vatican City. Originally known as the Cappella Magna, the chapel takes its name from Pope Sixtus IV, who restored...
To the editor: RE: A Matter of Truss Decades Late, the West Thames Bridge Is Now Slated to Cost $196,000 Per Foot (BroadsheetDAILY Sept 15) I find it irresponsible how long this bridge (West Thames Bridge) has been repeatedly delayed. What makes the delay even worse is that last year, they announced that construction would...
The design for the West Thames pedestrian bridge calls for a "lenticular truss," which will cross from the southwest corner of West and West Thames Street, to the northeast corner of the same intersection -- connecting Battery Park City and the Financial District via a 230-foot span.
The Battery Park City Dog Association would like to thank the following for participating in and donating to our 15th Annual BPC Halloween Puppy Parade on October 29th: Phil Castiglia and Judy Passer of Le Pet Spa, our Co-Hosts and for providing the top prizes and Honorable Mention prizes; all of the fantastic participants in...
The Lower Manhattan Real Estate Overview report for the third quarter of 2016, from the Downtown Alliance contains good news for those who suffer from an acute fear of being alone: With 3,198 new apartments currently under construction, and another 921 planned for development in the square mile below Chambers Street, our masses are are...