The International Space Station (ISS), a research satellite that orbits planet Earth with astronaut scientists aboard, appears as a brilliant star-like object moving silently and rather quickly across the sky, best seen at dawn or dusk.
Recently, while looking up at twilight to see bright Saturn in the southwest, the ISS came into view in the west-southwest, and, climbing swiftly, arced to the northwest and disappeared; the whole spectacle concluded in 3 minutes.
Next day, the shining light rose out of the trees to the southwest and traced a steep arc to the northeast horizon; it was visible for 5 minutes.
Every day this week, you can spot the ISS by following the directions in the chart provided for locations within 50 miles of New York, New York.
When scanning the chart, notice especially the days when the space station is highest above the horizon and is visible for the longest period of time. When estimating degrees above the horizon, know that a fist extended at arm’s length approximates 10 degrees.
Last week, the station was visible higher in the sky than this week. For choices over time, consider signing up for notification of favorable visibility directly from NASA I was alerted on the morning before each of the evening sightings I described.

“Say Cheese,” Astronaut Photography with Don Pettit.
Link here to read more about photography from space
ISS is usually brighter than planet Venus, making it the third brightest object in the sky, following the sun and moon. According to NASA’s formative document, International Space Station Basics, the station orbits between 230 and 286 miles above Earth. NASA explains that “The space station is visible because it reflects the light of the Sun – the same reason we can see the Moon. However, unlike the Moon, the space station isn’t bright enough to see during the day. It can only be seen when it is dawn or dusk at your location. As such, it can range from one sighting opportunity a month to several a week, since it has to be both dark where you are, and the space station has to happen to be going overhead.”
The following statement by Astronaut Peggy Whitson, PhD was offered upon concluding her most recent space mission. “I will miss seeing and working within this awe-inspiring creation that we, as a people, have constructed here in space, travelling at 17,500 mph. I still can’t believe the incredible level of detail that was required to imagine this place, let alone to build it!”
Enter the International Space Station and look out its windows for 4 minutes through the FROM ABOVE production with Astronaut-Photographer Don Pettit, PhD. Then, over time, refer to Resources and Opportunities to Participate, below, to learn more about this awe-inspiring creation.
International Space Station Basics
SmugMug Films: FROM ABOVE – Astronaut Photography with Don Pettit, 4 minutes, 24 seconds
Walking on Air photographed from the ISS by Don Pettit, video assembled by NASA ground
Tour of ISS by an astronaut, 55 minutes, 33 seconds
Opportunities to Participate
View the International Space Station in your locale
Sign up for email or text notices
Spot the Station, New York City®ion=New_York&city=New_York#.Wc7pt0NYbok
October 4 – 10 World Space Week