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BPC Running Club
Battery Park City Parks
Start with warm-up exercises before jogging the 2.4 miles down and back along the length of the Battery Park City Esplanade. Parks Programming Leaders guide the warm-up and cool-down and ensure a favorable pace for all participants. Meets inside the Community Center at Stuyvesant High School at 345 Chambers St. www.bpcparks.org
James Swan: Patriot Soldier, Forgotten Financier and International Man of Mystery
Museum of American Finance
How does one man single-handedly bail out the entire US debt to France following the American Revolution? Who is this forgotten financier who fought at the Bunker Hill, and years later died in Paris after decades in debtor’s prison? Learn about Colonel James Swan. Not only were he and his socialite wife painted by Gilbert Stuart, so were their friends and family, and all on his wife’s account. Mr. Cregeau, an historian lectures widely on 18th-century American history. 48 Wall Street www.moaf.org, $5
6 River Terrace
Battery Park City Authority and Community Board 1 are hosting a public meeting about the BPC Ball Fields Resiliency Project.
Epic Voices: One Hundred Million Million Poems & Oulipo with Matt Madden
Poets House
Cartoonist Matt Madden explores the relationship between long-form poetic traditions and the procedural compositions of the avant-garde French writing group Oulipo examining such works as Raymond Queneau’s One Hundred Million Million Poems, a modular set of ten sonnets that would take multiple lifetimes to read in its entirety. 10 River Terrace www.poetshouse.org $7, $10