Dear Editor,
Ron Dowd is correct in his observation of the complete disregard that the Safety Ambassadors show to the regulations of Battery Park City and the safety of children and small animals.
As every resident here is aware, as were the PEP officers, the upper deck of the esplanade is NOT for bicycles.
I have asked an Ambassador to please ride on the lower level. I was met with hostility and the rude assertion that he was in fact enforcing the rule. I cannot see how he could have been enforcing and simultaneously breaking the rule.
It seems that a lack of training is the problem as well as a lack of concern.
I have been informed more than once by an Ambassador what the rules are in Hudson River Park. I quite politely informed him that HRP rules were not necessarily the same as the ones that govern Battery Park City, where we were during the conversation. I hope that Allied intends some training and/or retraining as required.
Lisa Hagerman
courtesy: New York Bicycling Coalition
A Summary of NY State Bike Laws
Why these Laws Apply to Cyclists
NY Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL) – §1231 – Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles – Every person riding a bicycle ….. upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle.
Rules of the City of N.Y. (RCNY) 4-02 (a) – The provisions of N.Y.C. Traffic Rules are applicable to bicycles and their operators.
Riding on the Sidewalk and in Parks in NYC
Admin Code – 19-176 – Bicycles ridden on sidewalks may be confiscated and riders may be subject to legal sanctions (see also: RCNY § 4-07(c) (3)
RCNY 4-07 (c) (3) No driving bikes on sidewalks, unless sign allows or wheels are less than 26 inches in diameter and rider is twelve years or younger
RCNY 4-14 (c) No person shall ride a bicycle in any park, except in places designated for bike riding; but persons may push bikes in single file to and from such places, except on beaches and boardwalks.
Dear editor:
Yesterday’s BroadsheetDaily (Tues., 6/7/2016) has a great photo of an Allied Barton BPC Ambassador riding his bike on the sidewalk.
I’ve seen these guys ride the wrong direction in the bike lanes, as well as on the BPC Ballfields field level walkway while kids, parents, and nannies are there for practices and general play time.
Best regards,
Ron Dowd