To the editor:
I simply could not let the letter from the person who signed their letter as “Craig S.” go unanswered.
Ms. Glick represents the MAJORITY of the people in her district in terms of her views on family planning issues, and when you’re in the minority, you have to just deal with that. Right now we’re all dealing with a psychotic monster that the far-right foisted on us, and we’re pushing back as hard as we can. We have the right to do so, Mr. S., just as you have the right to voice an opinion that those of us who disagree have a right to object to.
Where men get the idea that they can tell women what to do or not do with their own bodies has long been a mystery to me (and to millions of others, I might add). It’s none of anyone else’s business what medical decisions any of us make, and the phony right-wing non-issue of abortion was just one more obvious ploy that the so-called “religious right” came up with 30 years ago to rile up the population they target with all their other manipulations.
As a male, you obviously are incapable of getting pregnant and thus have nothing to say about those of us who can. Why don’t we just insist that all males over the age of say, 35, have vasectomies? That’d stop an awful lot of unwanted pregnancies before they start. But oh yes, you’re the same religious fanatics that oppose contraception and sex ed, aren’t you? The illogic and total hypocrisy of the right wing’s positions is mind boggling.
I assume that the so called “right to life” march in DC will proceed as it always has, and as it’s entitled to do. You are absolutely entitled to your opinion, Mr. S. But you are NOT entitled to cram it down everyone else’s throats.
Dorothy Samel
To the editor,
In response to the letter on Friday from Craig S. regarding the mistaken assumption that everyone living in a Democrat district shares the same view on abortion, etc., we say: “AMEN.”
Joe and Chris T.

To the editor,
Hooray for my elected representative Jerrold Nadler, I applaud him and am ecstatically happy that I always voted for and supported him. Jerrold Nadler is a man of good character and integrity.
Democracy can only survive the disgrace and danger of Trump by affirmatively protesting and rebelling against him and his awful government that is stocked with those supporting White Nationalists, supremacists and Neo-Nazis. Trump is illegitimate and not my president and should be impeached. Working with Trump and/or his administration normalizes the horror.
Michael J. Devereaux, Esq.