Sunrise is at 7:26am today and 7:31am on Saturday the 6th. The lateness of sunrise is artificial. This is the final week of Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), when clock time is one hour ahead of the Sun. At 2am Sunday the 7th, clocks “fall back” one hour, returning to Eastern Standard Time (EST). Sunrise on the 7th is 6:32am EST. On the 14th sunup is 6:41am.
Follow the moon to its reappearance in the southwest as a waxing crescent on the evening of November 6. Sunset on the 6th, 5:48pm EDT; moonset 7:04pm EDT. Next day, November 7, sunset is at 4:41 EST, moonset 6:55pm EST. Find brilliant planet Venus; then look diagonally to the left, south of Venus, for bright Jupiter and, between those two brightest planets, Saturn.