69 – General Vespasian’s troops occupy Rome after defeating the Emperor Vitellius
1046 – Synod of Sutri: German King Henry III removes Popes Gregory VI
1192 – Richard the Lionhearted captured in Vienna
1606 – Virginia Company settlers leave London to establish Jamestown, Virginia
1669 – First jury trial in Delaware; Marcus Jacobson condemned for insurrection & sentenced to flogging, branding & slavery
1699 – Peter the Great ordered Russian New Year changed-Sept 1 to Jan 1
1790 – First US cotton mill to spin yarn in Pawtucket, Rhode Island
1803 – Louisiana Purchase formally transferred from France for $27M
1820 – Missouri imposes a $1 bachelor tax on unmarried men between 21 & 50
1879 – Thomas Edison demonstrates incandescent light at Menlo Park
1880 – Broadway lit by electricity, becomes known as “Great White Way”
1891 – Strongman Louis Cyr withstands pull of 4 horses
1915 – Russian troops overrun Qom, Persia
1942 – First Japanese bombing of Calcutta
1967 – “The Graduate” starring Dustin Hoffman & Anne Bancroft premieres
1978 – H R Haldeman released from jail
1984 – 33 unknown Bach keyboard works found in Yale library
2005 – US District Court Judge John E. Jones III rules against mandating the teaching of “intelligent design” in his ruling of Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District.
2005 New York City transit strike: New York City’s Transport Workers Union Local 100 goes on strike, shutting down all New York City Subway and Bus services.
2007 – Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II becomes the oldest ever monarch of the United Kingdom, surpassing Queen Victoria, who lived for 81 years, 7 months and 29 days.
2012 – Apple is denied a patent for mobile pinch-to-zoom gestures by the US patent authorities
2012 – Intercontinental Exchange purchases the New York Stock Exchange, the largest in the world, for $8 billion