46 BC – Julius Caesar dedicates a temple to his mythical ancestor Venus Genetrix in accordance with a vow he made at the battle of Pharsalus. 1087 – William II is crowned King of England, and reigns until 1100. 1580 – Sir Francis Drake finishes his circumnavigation of the Earth. 1687 – The Parthenon in...
275 – In Rome (after the assassination of Aurelian), the Senate proclaims Marcus Claudius Tacitus Emperor. 1066 – The Battle of Stamford Bridge marks the end of the Viking invasions of England. 1237 – England and Scotland sign the Treaty of York, establishing the location of their common border. 1513 – Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez...
904 – The warlord Zhu Quanzhong kills Emperor Zhaozong, the penultimate emperor of the Tang dynasty, after seizing control of the imperial government. 1598 – English playwright Ben Jonson kills actor Gabriel Spenser in a duel and is indicted for manslaughter. 1692 – The last of those convicted of witchcraft in the Salem witch trials...
455 – Emperor Avitus enters Rome with a Gallic army and consolidates his power. 1776 – Part of New York City is burned shortly after being occupied by British forces. 1792 – French Revolution: The National Convention declares France a republic and abolishes the absolute monarchy. 1897 – The “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa...
622 – Muhammad and Abu Bakr arrive in Medina 1498 – The 1498 Nankai earthquake generates a tsunami that washes away the building housing the statue of the Great Buddha at Kōtoku-in in Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan; since then the Buddha has sat in the open air. 1519 – Ferdinand Magellan sets sail from Sanlúcar de...
335 – Flavius Dalmatius is raised to the rank of Caesar by his uncle, emperor Constantine I. 1676 – Jamestown is burned to the ground by the forces of Nathaniel Bacon during Bacon’s Rebellion. 1778 – The Continental Congress passes the first United States federal budget. 1796 – George Washington’s Farewell Address is printed across...