930 – World’s oldest parliament, the Iceland Parliament, established
1683 – William Penn signs friendship treaty with Lenni Lenape Indians.
Some historians place the date of the treaty today in 1683, when Penn purchased two tracts of land from Tamanend and his associates. It is
believed that transaction and the “Great Treaty” took place at the same time. West’s painting has a summery foliage “thus not suggesting a late
autumn or winter day, as contended by Bancroft, but rather a day in the leafy month of June.”
There is no actual record of the “Great Treaty,” the treaty made familiar to many by Benjamin West’s painting and Voltaire’s allusion to it “as the only treaty never sworn to and never broken.” “Great Treaty” was never broken until the Penn’s Creek Massacre of October 16, 1755.”
1713 – The French residents of Acadia are given one year to declare allegiance to Britain or leave Nova Scotia, Canada.
1810 – John Jacob Astor organizes Pacific Fur Company inAstoria, Oregon.
1868 – Christopher Latham Sholes patents “Type-writer”
1888 – Frederick Douglass is first African-American nominated for president
1917 – Ernie Shore replaces Red Sox pitcher Babe Ruth with a runner on, he throws him out and retires all 26 he faces for a perfect game
1931 – Wiley Post and Harold Catty took off for flight around world
1943 – RAF discovers Werner von Braun’s V1/V2-base in Peenemunde
1949 – First 12 women graduate from Harvard Medical School
1951 – British diplomats Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean flee to USSR
Alan Turing |
1959 – Convicted Manhattan Project spy Klaus Fuchs is released after only nine years in prison and allowed to emigrate to Dresden, East Germany
1961 – Antarctic Treaty goes into effect
1970 – Charles Rangel defeats Adam Clayton Powell in Democratic primary
1972 – Nixon and Haldeman agree to use CIA to cover up Watergate
1974 – First extraterrestrial message sent from Earth into space
47 BC – Pharaoh Ptolemy XV of Egypt (d. 30 BC)
1858 – William Ernst Johnson, Cambridge England, mathematician
1894 – Alfred Kinsey, was an American biologist, professor of
entomology and zoology, and sexologist who in 1947 founded the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University, now known as the Kinsey Institute
1894 – Edward VIII, King of Great Brit/N-Ireland/emperor of India (1936)
1911 – David Ogilvy, advertising genius (Ogilvy & Mathers)
1912 – Alan Turing, brilliant mathematician/pioneer in computer theory who saved England in WWII with the Turing machine
1927 – Bob Fosse, Chicago, Cabaret
79 – Vespasian, Roman Emperor, dies at 69
1980 – Clyfford Still, American painter (b. 1904)
1995 – Jonas Salk, biologist (Polio vaccine), dies of heart failure
1997 – Betty Shabazz, widow of Malcolm X, dies at 63
2001 – Yvonne Dionne, one of the Canadian Dionne quintuplets (b. 1934)
2009 – Ed McMahon, American television personality (b. 1923) |