To the editor: 9/11 health care was won through the efforts of a vast coalition of 9/11 responders, community members and other stakeholders who worked alongside Congressman Jerry Nadler and a host of other elected officials to get the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act passed by the congress in 2010. Thanks to their persistence, the...
Tuesday evening’s meeting of the Battery Park City Committee of Community Board 1 (CB1) was devoted entirely to a presentation about plans to reconfigure the streetscapes on South End Avenue and West Thames Street to enhance pedestrian safety, traffic flow, and aesthetic appeal. The presentation was led by two staff members from the Battery Park...
CB1's Battery Park City Committee chair Tammy Meltzer: "There have been numerous changes to the community since 2013 -- including the opening of Brookfield Place, changes on Liberty Street, and changes in the ways that consumers shop. But South End Avenue has not changed dramatically in those five years."
1536 – King Henry VIII accused Anne Boleyn of adultery & incest 1776 – France & Spain agreed to give weapons to American rebels 1833 – Czar Nicolas bans public sale of serfs 1865 – Pres Johnson offers $100,000 reward for capture of Jefferson Davis 1918 – General Motors acquires the Chevrolet Motor Company of...
Arthur Miller with Marilyn Monroe
photo by Richard Avedon
State Assembly member Deborah Glick has secured passage of a bill in her house of the Albany legislature that would provide for sanctions against mental healthcare providers who practice “conversion therapy” on patients younger than 18 years old. The measure seeks to ban a pseudoscientific practice that aims to modify an individual’s sexual orientation (from...
State Assembly member Deborah Glick, who sponsored the bill to ban "conversion therapy" in New York: "Being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender is not a deficiency in need of treatment. Our children must be protected from this discriminatory and damaging practice that masquerades as a legitimate mental health treatment."
To the editor, Thanks for writing about the dog run/children run “Splitting the Difference,” (BroadsheetDAILY, April 9) a few issues ago. However, the article is extracted from some of us, lightheartedly reliving the past in a discussion. While the evolution of those spaces is relevant it also can give the reader the wrong impression as to what is...
1006 – Supernova observed by Chinese and Egyptians in constellation Lupus 1704 – Boston Newsletter publishes first newspaper advertisement 1753 – Publication of Species Plantarum by Linnaeus, and the formal start date of plant taxonomy adopted by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. 1756 – France and Austria sign alliance 1757 – Austria and France divide...